Home > Uncategorized > Update 8 a Gift From Above
Our sincere thanks go out to Bart Belanger from Kids at Risk Cambodia, for introducing us to Sarah, who works with an American charitable foundation. Her interest in CIO has led the Foundation, which wishes to remain anonymous, to donate over $25,000 to our CIO Building Project. This generous donation has made it possible for us to complete the purchase of the land and finish the site preparation.

Over 200 donors from all over the world have contributed $36,298 dollars as of today and with this foundational gift of over $25,000 we have been able to meet our initial goal. This means that we have purchased the land, completed filling and grading, and in the next days will have electrical service extended to the property line, a well drilled, and construction will start on the perimeter walls and front gate.

This success would not be possible without our generous donors and we thank you again.

With the completion of phase 1 we now move into raising $65,000 dollars for the construction of the orphanage buildings which include: the dormitory, latrines, kitchen and dining area and the Directors residence and office. Construction needs to start by October of 2016 as the children need to be out of their current home by March 1, 2017.

The kids at their new home

On top of the world!

Filling the land
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