Home > Uncategorized > Update 9 Reached 50% of Goal
We have together reached 50% of our goal. Thank you all for your support.
Here is a posting from Janis Lindblom of Cambodian Cocoon:
“How truly exciting & amazing is it to see the progress on the land which is now totally paid for & owned by CIO!! We get regular updates & pictures from Sitha…speaking with him the other night, it is still so very hot in Cambodia & there are up to 30 people working on the fence, mostly women! Sreymom has been cooking & taking them lunch every day! So she is not only cooking for the 39 children at CIO but for 30 labourers as well!
Does this not show the kind of people these two are…selfless, generous, caring & responsive! It’s hot & the workers are hungry & they earn only US$5 per day for 12 hour day!
Such amazing people..this is why we care…”

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